Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Grocery and the Wine

The Wednesday shopping trip was a Tuesday morning shopping trip because Wednesday morning booked up fast. Carson, Carly and I usually head to Meijer after breakfast to fulfill our weekly menu. Carson always helps me with my list of items and Carly busily eats her way through the store while she sits in the "seat" cart. Carson normally sits beside Carly, but he has evolved into quite a little shopper. Today in the wine aisle, I picked up a bottle of wine for myself (I am going to master the fine art of wine drinking, since my husband is getting ahead of me with it). Carson belts out, you need to get home a drink that right away. Everyone in the aisle busted out with laughter considering it was 9:30 a.m. He even mentioned on the way home if I was going to drink my wine when I got home. It has been a favorite trip of his picking out wine for his dad :). I am sure there is more to come for this week.... but for now, the wine story could not go another day unheard.

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