Monday, October 20, 2008

Another Week Gone By...

I used to worry about bottles, burping, and baby food... no more. I worry about crayons, pens, electrical outlets, unlocked cupboards, and silence. With Carly, I worry about silence. She has entered a new world, "toddler-hood." There is nothing that would surprise me about this determined, red-headed, youngest and last of the Koomen children in the house. She is so unlike the other two... I am not sure how or why, but I just know it. She colors on things, she runs away from me as fast as she can, and she hovers to her fathers chest when I try to take her away. These are describing phrases of Carly. She is a mockingbird with favorite words such as; kitty cat, Cate (Caitlin), Car (Carson), mommy, daddy, apple, nana, etc.... She is loud, she is in charge, and she scares me to death :). What have we created?

Carson, I don't worry about him too much. I do worry when I hear him telling his little friend Jake, "I am home-schooled, I am mommy's GIRL, and I am never leaving her." Um, Carson, that would be "mommy's boy..." I don't care about the rest of the statement... just the GIRL part. I just want to clarify.

My dad popped in for a surprise visit... he took Carson for a ride in the big rig... Carson had an expression of pride on his face when he took off for that long ride, well just around the block. He returned to the driveway and dad offered for him to get out on the driver's side, Carson's response, "no, that is the busy side." I am thankful for those responses, because I know he listens part of the time.

He went to Build a Bear Sunday with Aunt Lauri and Chelsea. He came out smiling from ear to ear as all children should when they leave there. He was so please with himself. He also insisted on purchasing a wheelchair for his fireman bear... he stated, "he is an old fireman." So now we are the proud owners of a fireman Build-a-Bear in a wheelchair. But wait, there is more... Carson also came home with a hot dog costume, which he has decided to be for Halloween. This has taken many days to decide, since there are a BILLION ideas out there.

Caitlin continues with her busy social calendar. She went with her dad to Columbus on Saturday night in preparation for his big Marathon. She accompanied him to an Italian dinner with running friends and then stayed at the hotel with the Smith family. She was there with the rest of us to cheer dad on at the finish. Caitlin worried the whole time about him and how he felt afterward. He did fantastic and even made sports headlines! Yeah daddy!

Caitlin has hit a hard place, we are not sure why... but she has entered a negative world. We have phases of life that we go through and she has entered a phase that we are patiently awaiting the arrival of the next one. She also has learned how to have quick comebacks, she has certainly acquired this art form from her dad!

Until next time, look forward to more one-liners, antics and humor.

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