Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When Will It End??

The sleepless night will never end. I believe the two younger Koomens had a pow-wow before bed last night to organize a crime filled night, the crime being interrupting parental sleep. I love that I am needed for an itchy toe at the bottom of zipped and footed pajamas in the dark, not to mention at 2 a.m. I sure do appreciate bathroom visits over wet beds... only to wake up to a bloody disaster that looked like it needed to be sent to a crime lab. Carly's bloodstained face, hair, clothing, bedding, and arms looked to be picture worthy, but I felt compelled to clean her up immediately.

So here I am listening to the kids play nicely after a tired morning. It is nap time, but I don't want to interrupt their sweet imaginative play. Although the tattling has been blown to large proportions in this house.
Conversation from the lunch table -
Carson: you are going to be on the naughty list
Carly: no I am not
Carson: yes you are...
(footsteps running to the dining room)
Carly: Mommy, Carson said a bad word...

She has learned the tattling presentation, but the lying to get there is not attractive.

Sunday night is always a ritual around here, we eat dinner, bathe, pajamas and hit the couch for AFV at 7:00 p.m. It is Carly's favorite television show! (She has been known to request it at all hours of the night). There was a boy on the show doing a pogo stick at the top of the stairs and of course he went flying down all of them to crash land on his face. Carly's response to it, "he is going to need a nurse."

She is so matter of fact these days... I find myself just video-ing her conversation because I want to bottle it up and save it forever.

Lastly, Jason ran to the store last night for a milk run... He picked up a Findlay Area Family Magazine while he was there. He brought it home and set it on the counter. After a while, I heard him say, "that is Carly." She made the cover and and the other two kids are on the inside in their snow attire. They all feel famous, even if it is a local magazine...

Sunday, January 31, 2010


My New Year's resolution was to exercise and blog... I wanted to accomplish those two items before the month of January escaped me, well here we are January 31st. It came to mind today as I watched our three children sit a table in the cafeteria and enjoy the 8th grade spaghetti dinner, that our lives are running away. They sit patiently at the table, they bow their heads to pray, and they never leave until their plates are clean... we were in a public place! All of those nights that we nag over and over about table etiquette, we witnessed perfection. So the occasional meal at home is not perfect, but the fact that they can pull off a successful meal in public, made me feel good all over!

Then we came home... we needed to call Uncle Marc today to sing "happy birthday" and everyone is bellowing out the tune, we get to his name in the song and Carly sings "Dear Uncle Stinky" and all the sweetness disappeared. It was a hilarious moment, and all too appropriate. She makes us laugh, cry, and laugh some more. She is our spirited, independent, boisterous, and sometimes MEAN child. That wraps it up for her, but I will promise myself to hit the blogs with her antics more often!

Carson came upstairs this morning to have his hair combed, he asked for a "mohawk..." So I reluctantly gel-ed up the do and away we went. He was so proud of it and was loving all the compliments. He asked me if it would wreck when he went to sleep??? I guess I will be doing a hair re-do for school in the morning.

I was on the treadmill this morning (ah yes exercise) and watched Carson write on the dry erase board. It was so sweet to see him writing his letters in uppercase and name them as he wrote them. I keep thinking that I need not compare him to Caitlin, and yet find myself doing it. I am so proud of everything he has accomplished. He even can kick some serious Olympic skills on the Wii snowboard event.

Yesterday we watched Caitlin play her second upward game of the season. Jason is not coaching her, but watching intently from the side lines. She is a good defense player and she made six baskets yesterday. She doubled her score from last weeks three baskets. Yeah Caitlin. On Wednesday nights she is playing tennis in her Y class. She still loves tennis and woke up this morning to watch Roger Federer win the Australian Open.

Yesterday Grandma came to watch Caitlin play basketball and go to PTC bowling. It was so fun to watch Caitlin and Carson help Carly bowl for the first time. The kids had a blast bowling with friends and Grandma. It was a great way to kick off Catholic Schools Week which is celebrated all week at school.

It is an amazing feeling to know that I registered all three of the kids for St. Michael School last week. Time is so precious since it comes at you at unstoppable speeds.

The Lost Fall of Blogs

Okay, so it didn't work out... I didn't work out... the blogs did not come out. I have some memories still in the memory bank that are worthy to note.

We rescued a dog from a puppy mill, and we named him "FIN". He is a golden doodle with a lot of energy and his size resembles that of a Budweiser Clydesdale...

We endured two more ER visits all for the same child within weeks of each other. Carly earned stitches in the eyebrow from attacking the stairs, and staples in the back of the scalp for a simple slide off the couch.

Carly is a complete conversation piece and a conversationalist... she is the crazy one of the birth order and no one questions us for injuries since she falls last in line to the Koomen kids.

The kids were so into the holidays with cookies, crafts, candy making, and all the wonderful traditions the holidays bring for our family.