Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas here, Christmas there, Christmas in Indiana?

Here we are blogging from Indiana... There is much to blog as we have survived the Girl Scout Christmas party (21 girls and moms in our home), the Christmas Program, the Christmas with Grandi and now the Christmas with the Bowers. No need for Santa to stop at our home, the kids have been blessed with people who love them many times over.

Speaking of the big man in the red suit... He called Friday evening as the kids were playing at the neighbors. I told them that he called at 9:30 to make sure they were in bed, but noooooo they wanted to be loud at the Sallisbury house. When I told them both, they ran up stairs faster than ever and did their nightly routine in an eighth of the time that it normally happens. AMAZED, I promised them that I would give Santa a call to let them know that they were in bed. Both asked the next morning if I had called Santa. What a powerful man that Santa...

Today we went the the Meadows Shopping Center to visit Santa one last time before his big trip. Caitlin hopped right on his lap and told him to bring whatever... Carly sat on his lap long enough to realize she did not like him, and then Carson has never gotten close to Santa for fear of what he might say. ...but, Santa had a TRAIN, oh yes a lovely little Christmas train. Carson hung out for awhile to check out the train.

Which leads me to the next item of business... Uncle Tim's train! Uncle Tim had a Lionel Christmas Train stored away and brought it out this evening just for Carson. Uncle Tim has soared to new highs in Carson's book... as I am typing the train is moving slowly around the track with the sweet sound of a sleeping boy in a sleeping bag right beside the track.

We went bowling this evening with a large group of friends. It was great fun, Carson had a great time and Caitlin found that after a few early gutter balls she loved bowling too. This was a bumper free bowling experience so thank goodness Carson could of cared less where the ball went. In his heart he knows that he is the champion at Wii bowling anyway.

Carly's teeth are officially at biting range now, you can feel all of them as she chomps down to receive Orajel. She is having a blast in Indiana and loving the crazy schedule. She just ran around the bowling alley all evening with not a care in the world.

Caitlin is at a sleepover with Josie and Kristen tonight, and loving being with her Terre Haute friends. It is amazing how the memories slowly slip away, but we work pretty hard at making new ones.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Thank Yous," The Volunteer, and Church

Carly has been a true example setter in the house lately. "Thank you" comes immediately after snack delivery, a milk sippy, a diaper changing. I cannot believe how mannerly she has become. We would like to think those manners come from the elder siblings, but lately, we cannot even get those two to sit through a meal without reprimanding. Great examples...

We have entered a time in our lives that we feel it is necessary for our kids to see how fortunate we are. We try to give of our time, talent, and treasure as often as possible, but feel that now is the time that the kids do the same. Yesterday, Jason and Caitlin had the great opportunity to volunteer at the local "coats for Christmas." Caitlin was a real joy coming home and telling me about the things that she did, and what she encountered.

We have been hit by the "gigglepops." You know that contagious laughter that strikes at the dinner table and just won't stop. That is what is occurring, straight up belly laughter! It is the best contagious thing that anyone can catch.

I had some memory flashbacks this week, Caitlin's first haircut from Elizabeth in Terre Haute and her candle sniffing expertise. Jason taught her at Osco Drug to smell candles. I watched him teach Carly yesterday, and it was deja vu. I loved it then and I love it now.

Church was a bit of a trip today! Carly was not happy with being quiet or being good for that matter. We try so hard to teach church etiquette. Caitlin, for the most part, has it mastered... since she goes to church every Friday. I think taking Carson and Carly every Friday to the school mass should help them understand more about church behavior, but hmmm..... I just have not gotten there with Carly. It does not help that this sweet family of 8 (6 under the age of 8), with number 9 on the way, marches right up front every week with each child genuflecting and hands folded. Church aerobics has to get better and easier, and so many compliments after church to the kids, while I just hang my head and accept their sweet gesture. The compliments are surely for their red hair and sweet smiles, and they just look beyond the fidgeting and the occasional squeals... Thank you LORD!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Haircut and the Snowman

So I finally cut the mullet... Carly could not have a Christmas mullet. She looks adorable. She sat in the chair with all the necessary patience for a haircut. She admired the blow dryers in the ceiling and loved having her hair brushed and curled. Stay tuned for pictures... Did I mention a blue sucker also made things easier!

There is a snowman fetish in the house, those Hallmark snowmen. For six years we have collected the snowmen that sing on the Hallmark commercials. You know, the snowmen that could brighten any one's day. I love them, and the kids love them even more. The batteries are fresh and the buttons are hot. They sometimes sing alone or in unison, but man it is entertaining. When I can figure out the video upload, that does not work for me... I will show you what a ball Carly has with the snowmen. She is a dance MACHINE!

Caitlin has had some real blond moments that are worth noting... or are they?? Tonight I was reading the annual Christmas letter before sending it out for final review and she thought it was interesting that I was reading about a girl so similar to her. She could not even believe that her name was Caitlin. WHAT??

As we entered the Mazza museum on Saturday, she happily walked amongst about 10 decorated Christmas trees. As we were leaving the Mazza, "wow they put up the trees while we were here." Did I mention that we were there for about an hour? I love to write about these moments that we can look back on.

Carson has been busy admiring every one's lighting display. Tonight's comment... "wow that is going to be a lot of work to put away when Christmas is over."

Last week driving in the car, "mom you should get a bookshelf for Caitlin in the car, so she can have a book supply in here." Out of the mouths of babes...

For those in Findlay, page 5 in the Findlay Living Magazine... a familiar red-head in the JUJU Beadz ad. Awe... sorry, just had to gloat for a moment.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Footed Pajamas and Houdini

Yes, the lovely pair of Carter's footed pajamas has been a constant in this house for days. I see him come around the corner at 1:00 in the afternoon having found the footed pajamas. Can you blame them, I even want a pair? Carson received his first pair of footed fleece pajamas as a three year old; however, they were part of the bedtime wardrobe as an infant. The only thing is he wants to wear them around the house at all hours of the day. It is kind of hard to deny him that, except we cannot do grocery shopping or go to church in footed pajamas. He does look like a giant baby though! Will post a picture another day...

Oh boy, Houdini strikes again. This time it is in the crib and it involves pure nakedness. Carly has managed to unbutton, unzip, and un-tab the diaper.... quiet doesn't always mean napping.

Speaking of nakedness, probably not a blog entry that I will be most proud of... but when he is 20 or so maybe we will laugh about it. I dropped Carson off at a friend's house (who shall remain nameless) while I went to a funeral visitation. Long story, short... my cell phone rings casket side (yes, embarrassed and disappointed that I did not realize that the phone still rang on the alarm setting) and it is the friend telling me that she walked in on her daughter and my son putting their clothes back on. Carson thought it would be funny to walk around naked. Okay, from a 3 1/2 year old perspective, funny.... from a parent perspective... not funny.

We have had some trouble with Carson over the last few weeks with possible a new asthma medicine he is on... so he is now off the medication by parental decision. His behavior has been a bit scattered and nothing that we are used to, so we are working on some new parenting skills until we get it out of his system. Tonight was a sweet moment though, as I heard the bellow of his voice when he discovered where the baby Jesus was. He kept asking me in the car on our various errands today that he did not remember seeing the baby Jesus in the nativity set. Well, he remembered from our conversation in the car and he found him right in his mother's arms. He seemed so at peace after that. I may need to get a traveling nativity set.

Caitlin is busy this evening practicing at the University of Findlay preparing to cheer at the University of Findlay men's basketball game tomorrow. She is very excited to hang out with the girls. Then she is having a sleepover with Olivia. Good times being a seven year old...

Well Christmas cards, letters, baking, and laundry calling my name. And Sinter Klaas comes tonight to fill our wooden shoes so I need to get to bed....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Decorating

Well it has become that time of year...

Clark on the roof creating a landing strip for nearby small aircraft. Carson is infatuated with transportation, this might be the way to get him his own personal ride in a Cessna. It looks great... tonight I will capture some photos and get them posted.

We made our annual trip this morning to Kaleidoscope Tree Farms in Mt. Cory. With three children in tow in search of that perfect Christmas tree. It was a tough decision with many choices available, we shoved it in the Odyssey and headed home. I did have to ride in a crouched position in the small floor space that was left, but hey we got the tree.

The kids have their trees in their rooms all decorated, and we are nearing the countdown to this wonderful holiday. We are looking for ways to teach the kids the true meaning of the season. We are making it a point to volunteer at the city mission so that the kids can see what life is like for unfortunate people. We are very FORTUNATE!

Finally, a post BLACK Friday posting...

Well we have survived the first holiday of the season, Thanksgiving. We have a lot to give thanks for, as we always do... jobs, excellent health, great kids, and peace. It is now the time to have Santa on speed dial, better yet keep tally marks for good behavior.

Just to update myself on the children, since many things have occurred over the last two weeks.

Caitlin -
1st grade parent-teacher conferences went well, thank goodness... I was not concerned, but the anticipation of hearing about the number one red-head in the house was looming over me. She is social, but in a good way. She has confidence, which has just developed in the last two months. It is scary, she does not need me to take her back to the back of church for children's offertory. She can do her own things for her own self.

She still is the best mom assistant with Carly, but would rather me tie Carson up outside to a dog house most days. They have realized how to argue and one-up each other, and this is not what I ordered as a mother. However, she has sympathy cries for Carson when he is getting scolded for negative behavior.

Speaking of emotion, sign me up for therapy, she is only 7.... when is going to end :( ... She even stands in front of the bathroom mirror, so she can whine to herself. Why does everyone say she is just like me?? What have I created. (A beautiful little girl with a lot of FLARE for drama)
We say DQ in this house, not Dairy Queen, not disqualified, but "DRAMA QUEEN."

She has surprised me with past comments over the last week. During the Macy's Parade, they commented on the "pilgrims" that were in the parade; Caitlin's response was," the pilgrims are dead, they cannot be in the Macy's Parade." She has been comparing her fiction books that she has been reading. Better yet, she is crazy over the atlas and the world map she has proudly displayed on the family room wall. Geography will be a strong suit, followed immediately by READING. Her literature love continues and has passed onto her brother and sister.

Carson -
Oh boy, he has a black eye currently from a recent pillow fight. He is currently kicking the wall in his room trying to decide if his nap really is going to involve closing his eyes and dreaming. Dad and I have had a bit of a disagreement, he can go without a nap, he cannot. He has started to skip days. Now that we have him on an asthma regulating medication, he seems to sleep better at night. So, I am starting to think napless days may be in our future. He just seems to be so crabby lately... medication related, or no naps??? Questions for good old Dr. Savage...

He still proves to be the most loving... okay maybe they all do!

Carly -
Personality extraordinaire! She is working on her top teeth, do I say that every blog? No really, I can now see them, maybe a week away.

She has mastered the art of going down the stairs all by herself, she mimics animal sounds and can relate which animal they match. She has become her daddy's little slave by fetching the remote when commanded. How cute?!? Her vocabulary has expanded by huge leaps and bounds and has started combining words. Everything happens in the blink of an eye...
She still remains the tough one, while battling an ear infection, still has the belly laugh and big cheesy grin.

Her hair is NUTS, I am not sure where it all came from... probably her daddy, but what am I to do with it. It is starting to be the business in the front, party in the back look... you know, the mullet, or MIT, mullet in training. It is probably time to get her own time slot at Designer Group.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Mom Hiatus to Florida

Going out to sea to para-sail!
Dining on the "dock of the bay" at Snug Harbor

The plane ride home...
Heading out for the evening...
A mother and her two-week old baby dolphin near Bonita Beach
Getting ready to go out on the jet skis to see the dolphins
Heading up in the air to para-sail for the first time!
Having fun after dinner...
The plane ride to Ft. Myers

Survival Conquers All!

The family survived mom's five day sabbatical to Florida. Events that took place upon my disappearance, Upward Basketball Evaluations, swimming at the YMCA, 10 o'clock Mass, a lost toenail that created a bloody mess by a certain loved canine, and a redecorated room?!?!

These are all activities that took place while I enjoyed shopping, para sailing, jet skiing with the dolphins, and uninterrupted sleep. The phone calls home were short and uninformative since I arrived home multiple surprises.

The kids did well, especially Caitlin since her dad decided it was time for and EXTREME makeover. Her room is a work in progress, so I will send pictures later. It was not in my upcoming house plans, but it has now been shoved into priority mode since we went from nice pastels to BOLD primaries.

Carson did not seem to mind that I was gone, but I did send him picture messages with various creatures that we ran into while in Florida. He loved the snake in the road pictures. He learned an inappropriate word from his dad, who was saddened by Gram Alice's dried rose arrangement had fallen and was demolished. Carson came running and was curious why daddy said, "sh...(censored). I forgave him for that instantly, we all have weak moments. Carson also replaced me with Aunt Lauri while I was away. Aunt Lauri even told me she was sad I was coming home, because Carson was her sidekick while I was away.

Carly did not miss me at all for she was happy to have daddy's attention. She is totally a daddy's girl and my absence was not any trouble for her. I did not come home to teeth, but an enhanced vocabulary. Her favorite word is still "happy" but loves to say "please and pizza." She also loves to say her own name.

So they made it! Dad pulled through again! He is an amazing dad and husband, for which I am eternally grateful. I am so refreshed and relaxed. Now I just need to figure out how to get that giant red paint stain off Caitlin's carpet. Oh, did I forget to mention he dropped the red paint can on the carpet?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friends, Fall, and Fun

Had a little to much to drink this evening?
Cassie, Tim, Caitlin, and Carson

Caitlin enjoying Fall
The Koomens pose as Catholic school children...
Carson burying the Gator
The morning after PARTINI!
The girls at 2:00 a.m.
Lisa E. and Chrissy K. at the Harris Halloween Party
The Girls at PF Changs... great friends and great food!

Busy times, sad times, good times...

Last weekend I arrived home from a girl's weekend in Columbus, to find that SUPER DAD had done a great job with the kids and the house. It was the small practice round for what is to come his way starting today. I am leaving for Florida with Lisa for five days, and he is in charge. The laundry is done, the meals are cooked, and the bathrooms are cleaned... I have given him a great advantage :). They will be great, he has all kinds of wonderful plans... and some excellent back-up, Aunt Lauri and Uncle Jeff, and the Sallisburys.

It was a hard week this week with attending Gram's memorial. It is a hard thing for the kids to experience after they have gone through this with Gigi and Uncle Hank. Carson did not understand why Gram was not going to get up and leave to go to Heaven. He stood at my side as I spoke of Gram, he held my hand... it was my little angel to guard me during a time of weakness.

The kids were awesome given the circumstances... they missed naps, ate lunch at a different time... but yet they were great.

Carly has added some new vocabulary into her game, " I KNOW." Last evening I called the Library only to report that they had closed for the evening, and her perfect response to that was, "I KNOW." Plain as day... cute as ever...

So now I am off to Florida, not sure what I will have to report when I get home... maybe teeth from the wee one, or just good health and good times while I was away.

Fall Photographs to LOVE!

Lucy the Painter and Caitlin the Witch
Sophia the Spider and Carson the Hot Dog
Trick-or-Treating for toothbrushes at the Sallisbury's house
Our friends, the Partees, getting ready for a big night of Trick-or-Treating
Carly landing her spot for the evening at the Partees, who needs Trick-or-Treating?
Maya, the Wheaton Terrior... the Partees baby girl :)
Nick, Alex, and Caitlin
Carly trying to lay one on Yoda, a.k.a. Griffin
The Swaney six and the Koomens
The whole crew preparing for a fabulous evening!
The Witch, the Hot Dog, and the sweet little Kitten
Look ma, NO TEETH...
My favorite snack that does not require teeth!
The proud boy and his pumpkin
Carly assisting with the gut scooping
Caitlin being the greeter at Mass, 1A planned the Mass and Caitlin was a greeter and carried the gifts.
Carly prepping to either be a soccer goalie, or a chef??
Carson proudly leaving Build-A-Bear with Caitlin, Carly, Aunt Lauri and Chelsea
Jason running the Columbus Marathon.... finish time 3:11:37, so proud!

Carson taking a ride in Grandpa's big rig from South Dakota!
Dani and Carson at Caitlin's soccer game...
Awww... I just want to freeze her at this age!

Friday, October 31, 2008

How Life is Measured? the amount of "sleeps"

I am now going to live as my 3 1/2 year old does, by the amount of sleeps left until something great will take place. This was the best week for "how many sleeps until?"...

"How many sleeps until the Halloween Parade?"

"How many sleeps until daddy gets home?"

"How many sleeps until trick-or-treat?"

"How many sleeps until Caitlin's party at school?"

"How many sleeps until... to be continued"

I decided that I will live this way... :) - two more sleeps until the day I clean the bathrooms, three more sleeps until my favorite TV show is on, one more sleep until the weekend! It is so much fun anticipating the inevidable by the amount of sleeps.

Carson, you sure do put a smile on my face...

He comes over to me several times throughout the day... does this feel good mom? As he gently touches my hair, arm, or leg. There seems to be a motive, "can you do that to me?" It is such a subtle way, or at church he bluntly states "RUB ME."

Caitlin was very "witchy" at her class party yesterday. Being in the busy first grade classroom of twenty-four, a great reminder to me why I am home and not teaching, HALLOWEEN PARTIES! It was fun to see her interactions with friends and other parents. I seem to be questioning my parenting skills a lot these days, so it was good to see my seven-year-old being polite.

Caitlin is still by far the best helper of the house, as I watched her folding laundry in the family room. Thank heavens for small favors, and thank you Caitlin!

Carly went last evening trick-or-treating for the first time. She was not really a beggar for candy, she just wanted to kiss the other kids or play in the candy bowls. I love to play in candy bowls too! :) Pictures to come!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Happenings...

I left off last with the great pumpkin carving marathon taking place on the kitchen floor. It was a spectacular sight of children ewwwwing over pumpkin guts and Carly trying to eat them. Everyone went to bed as the master carver set out to do his work. He carved an excellent pumpkin, even though I was not allowed to view the masterpiece until the very end. His multitasking skills are somewhat a struggle sometimes, since he was trying to talk to his dad and carve at the same time. He was putting his finishing touches and cleaning it up over the trash, I hear a large thud followed by a "(censored)!" Yes, the front of the pumpkin fell off into the trash... with a little help from toothpicks he pieced it back together, lit it up, and turned for my approval. It was my little "Animal" from the Muppets. That is Carly's nickname. Unfortunately, I found the master carver's pumkin face lying face down in the mulch yesterday... so much for those toothpicks.

The best part of our "Halloween Week" (as we like to call it in Findlay), is that the real trick-or-treat has not even taken place yet, but we have stories. Last night was the annual parade downtown. It is about the same scale as the Macy's parade with about the same amount of spectators. You line up for hours, and wait your turn to be called to line, then you GO! It is a mad dash down Main Street. You hand enormous amounts of candy to all the beggars lined along the street. Long story short, a two hour wait for a 20 minute mad dashing of candy tossing. Best part of the story, freezing rain... sleet... and wind. Yes, I could not let the children down as they wanted to walk with the St. Michael Float, while their digits were practically frozen off. We survived, but we thought maybe next year we would like to be a beggar. Oh, did I mention daddy was out of town so we were there without him? Sorry no pictures, my hands were similar to ICE scultptures you would find at a wedding! You know who was the best trooper of all? Carson... he never complained or moved for the matter. He was a HOT DOG in the wagon just taking it all in.

Carson has been running around listening to his shuffle and getting his groove on. He has been quite a little "rump-shaker" when the music is playing, and so has Carly. For the love of music in this house!

Yesterday, the train engineer came by and threw a sack out of the train for Carson. It was a NS railway winter cap. He LOVES it! He has become such a star with these train guys. He still does not miss the train as it rolls by.

He has also been decorating with these little Christmas lights. The kids all have these decorative lights in their room, but Carson seems to think that my kitchen cupboards need them too.

Caitlin has had two great nights because daddy has been gone, so she gets his place in bed. It seems to make it easier on her with her crazy emotions. Although, now she wants a bed warmer for her bed, since she got to control her side.

She got her first, first grade report card yesterday. It was excellent, not that I was worried... but it is always nice to have reassurance. She is now selling candy, nuts, and chocolate for Girl Scouts. Since we don't have fundraisers for her school, this is her first opportunity to sell, sell, sell! Thanks to Stephanie for her first purchase!

Carly spent some time with Uncle Jeff last night, I did not want to take her to the parade... so they bonded, ate pizza, and watched TV. She is by far the easiest going Koomen kid. Her new favorite words are "hot dog" and "pizza." Hot dog being her brother's costume and pizza being her favorite food.

Well, tomorrow Carson and I are helping at Caitlin's class party. I am sure there will be a lot to be said the next time I blog. PICTURE POSTING TOMORROW!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I hear the kids talk about how dark it is and that it is almost bedtime... and it is only 6:00 p.m. I never thought of those early dark nights as such a necessity. Now the leaves have changed and are starting to litter the green yard with yellows, oranges, and reds. Carson is anticipating a large pile to jump into. He calls it a "dogpile" for some reason, maybe because last fall we buried Philly in the leaves and took pictures.

Another period of change that is coming is the election. I feel that I have well educated my children about how a new president is going to be elected. They see pictures in Time magazine, ads, and hear the phone ringing with "election" business. Carson and Caitlin both recognize each candidate as well as their vice president. Carson even shocked me with his knowledge of knowing when the "National Anthem" was played at Sarah Palin's rally last week. He called it out by name right away, when I asked him how he remembered the name? He stated, "from going to watch his daddy run, and they played it at the beginning." If only memory worked like that for everyone, but it all changes over time.... just like everything else.

It is a cute time of change for Caitlin as we sing the song from the Chipmunks, "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth." She finally pulled the other front tooth, but it take some parent enforcement (never mind that I locked her in the bathroom and told her that dinner was not to be served until the tooth was out). Come on... the tooth was hanging there and it was more of a toy for her tongue.

Caitlin and I went to see "Annie Jr." at St. Michael's Thursday night. It was so fun... she could not wait to be in 6th grade so that she could play the part of Annie. I did not have the heart to tell her that "Annie" would probably not be the play that they would be doing when she was in middle school.

Carly still awaits the arrival of her two front teeth as well... or for that matter ANY teeth. Okay, so she has the two that she got right at her first birthday, but that was three months ago. She is such a pistol. Her favorite place to get into is the cereal cupboard, but thank goodness for Pampered Chef TWIXITS... this place would be littered with Frosted Flakes and Cheerios for sure. She is such a mockingbird now, just a sponge for words. My favorite word as I get picked on for because I am such a manners nazi is... "PEAZ" it is just too precious. As always, that cute little voice will CHANGE.

The last item of change this evening has been watching the pumpkins evolve from plain orange pumpkins to beautifully carved faces with and without teeth. All three kids de-gutted, carved, and lit their pumpkins. Of course, we anxiously await the completion of dad's pumpkin. He waits until everyone is asleep and does something AMAZING. So stay tuned for more change to come...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sarah Palin for VP Photos

At the Sarah Palin rally in Findlay
Secret Service Agent Eric that took us to the front of the line and to the front of the people in the "Buffer" area. It was so exciting to have connections in the SSA... - Thank Mary.... and Katie!
Senator Voinovich waiting to speak before Sarah Palin comes in to speak!
Sarah Palin coming down from her speech to shake OUR hands FIRST!

Willow and Piper there to support their mom!
Lee Greenwood signing Mary's poster after a handshake!