Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finally, a post BLACK Friday posting...

Well we have survived the first holiday of the season, Thanksgiving. We have a lot to give thanks for, as we always do... jobs, excellent health, great kids, and peace. It is now the time to have Santa on speed dial, better yet keep tally marks for good behavior.

Just to update myself on the children, since many things have occurred over the last two weeks.

Caitlin -
1st grade parent-teacher conferences went well, thank goodness... I was not concerned, but the anticipation of hearing about the number one red-head in the house was looming over me. She is social, but in a good way. She has confidence, which has just developed in the last two months. It is scary, she does not need me to take her back to the back of church for children's offertory. She can do her own things for her own self.

She still is the best mom assistant with Carly, but would rather me tie Carson up outside to a dog house most days. They have realized how to argue and one-up each other, and this is not what I ordered as a mother. However, she has sympathy cries for Carson when he is getting scolded for negative behavior.

Speaking of emotion, sign me up for therapy, she is only 7.... when is going to end :( ... She even stands in front of the bathroom mirror, so she can whine to herself. Why does everyone say she is just like me?? What have I created. (A beautiful little girl with a lot of FLARE for drama)
We say DQ in this house, not Dairy Queen, not disqualified, but "DRAMA QUEEN."

She has surprised me with past comments over the last week. During the Macy's Parade, they commented on the "pilgrims" that were in the parade; Caitlin's response was," the pilgrims are dead, they cannot be in the Macy's Parade." She has been comparing her fiction books that she has been reading. Better yet, she is crazy over the atlas and the world map she has proudly displayed on the family room wall. Geography will be a strong suit, followed immediately by READING. Her literature love continues and has passed onto her brother and sister.

Carson -
Oh boy, he has a black eye currently from a recent pillow fight. He is currently kicking the wall in his room trying to decide if his nap really is going to involve closing his eyes and dreaming. Dad and I have had a bit of a disagreement, he can go without a nap, he cannot. He has started to skip days. Now that we have him on an asthma regulating medication, he seems to sleep better at night. So, I am starting to think napless days may be in our future. He just seems to be so crabby lately... medication related, or no naps??? Questions for good old Dr. Savage...

He still proves to be the most loving... okay maybe they all do!

Carly -
Personality extraordinaire! She is working on her top teeth, do I say that every blog? No really, I can now see them, maybe a week away.

She has mastered the art of going down the stairs all by herself, she mimics animal sounds and can relate which animal they match. She has become her daddy's little slave by fetching the remote when commanded. How cute?!? Her vocabulary has expanded by huge leaps and bounds and has started combining words. Everything happens in the blink of an eye...
She still remains the tough one, while battling an ear infection, still has the belly laugh and big cheesy grin.

Her hair is NUTS, I am not sure where it all came from... probably her daddy, but what am I to do with it. It is starting to be the business in the front, party in the back look... you know, the mullet, or MIT, mullet in training. It is probably time to get her own time slot at Designer Group.

1 comment:

Netherfieldmom said...

So enjoy the individual updates...go to and read their literature lists by grade/subject. I take their catalog to the library to get books. They have uncovered the BEST books for all ages. (Also get Little Pilgrims Progress to read aloud.) XOXO