Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Thank Yous," The Volunteer, and Church

Carly has been a true example setter in the house lately. "Thank you" comes immediately after snack delivery, a milk sippy, a diaper changing. I cannot believe how mannerly she has become. We would like to think those manners come from the elder siblings, but lately, we cannot even get those two to sit through a meal without reprimanding. Great examples...

We have entered a time in our lives that we feel it is necessary for our kids to see how fortunate we are. We try to give of our time, talent, and treasure as often as possible, but feel that now is the time that the kids do the same. Yesterday, Jason and Caitlin had the great opportunity to volunteer at the local "coats for Christmas." Caitlin was a real joy coming home and telling me about the things that she did, and what she encountered.

We have been hit by the "gigglepops." You know that contagious laughter that strikes at the dinner table and just won't stop. That is what is occurring, straight up belly laughter! It is the best contagious thing that anyone can catch.

I had some memory flashbacks this week, Caitlin's first haircut from Elizabeth in Terre Haute and her candle sniffing expertise. Jason taught her at Osco Drug to smell candles. I watched him teach Carly yesterday, and it was deja vu. I loved it then and I love it now.

Church was a bit of a trip today! Carly was not happy with being quiet or being good for that matter. We try so hard to teach church etiquette. Caitlin, for the most part, has it mastered... since she goes to church every Friday. I think taking Carson and Carly every Friday to the school mass should help them understand more about church behavior, but hmmm..... I just have not gotten there with Carly. It does not help that this sweet family of 8 (6 under the age of 8), with number 9 on the way, marches right up front every week with each child genuflecting and hands folded. Church aerobics has to get better and easier, and so many compliments after church to the kids, while I just hang my head and accept their sweet gesture. The compliments are surely for their red hair and sweet smiles, and they just look beyond the fidgeting and the occasional squeals... Thank you LORD!

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