Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Memorable moments!

The last couple days have been jam packed, as always, but this time with memorable moments.

While I was watching Caitlin running at cross country practice last night it hit me that in the amount of time she has been alive, double that.... and she is in high school. It scares me! Where does the time go?

- It goes laughing at Carson when he belts out "DEACON RAY" in the middle of the family room for no reason. (He is a Deacon at our parish and Carson hardly has seen him, he has just picked up on his name in conversation).

- Like when I ask Caitlin if there was anything special in her lunch box and she replies "YOU"

- Time goes by watching Carly take countless steps across the sidewalk while waiting for Caitlin to get off the bus, then she breaks into sheer excitement as the bus approaches and nearly runs for her big sister.

- Now the time has passed that Carly no longer gets a bottle at night before bed and there is no more rocker in her room to take a bottle in... she now does the Koomen routine... milk and dry cereal in the family room while playing, reading or watching home videos, then brush teeth and off to bed.

- Time also has happened in a fast forward sort of way when Caitlin asked for countless books to be read to her... to Caitlin reading chapter books by the heaps and piles.

Time is an amazing gift, but it is the kind that you rip through and forget who gave it to you!


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