Monday, September 15, 2008

August and September Happenings

It has been a crazy wind up to our summer here at the Koomen house. As you can see from the visual aids below, we have been busy.

Caitlin is back to school at St. Michael as a big first grader. She is busy with cross country, soccer, and school. We are taking a tennis break for now, since we have plenty of other extra curriculars. She celebrated her seventh birthday in style at Juju Beadz. The girls got to make necklaces and matching earrings, eat pizza and cake, and act like giggling seven year-old girls for two hours. It was so fun, but exhausting.

Carson has had some really exciting times over the last 6 weeks. We met the train engineer from the rail line that goes behind our house. Mr. Parish stopped the train at the back of our house to let Carson get on. I will get that video footage as soon as I transfer it to the computer :). Carson got on and made the train whistle sound and the lights go on. It was a very exciting day.

Carson also has figured out how to go down the water slide as well. It is great to see him enjoy the fun with the rest of the swimming population. He learned to swim without his "bubble" at the end of pool season too.

Carly is our daily challenge child. She is sweet, but has a nickname of "HOUDINI." She has a secret way to manuever in and out of any place she wants to go. She finally has more teeth coming in and a new mode of transportation, her feet.

I savor every moment with them, since my oldest is 7... UNBELIEVABLE.

As for Jason and I, we are greatful for his mom to be back at home. After a horrific bicycle accident she sustained multiple injuries and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. Jason is trying to make a trip there in late October to help her continue her healing process, and visit with his dad.

Enjoy the photos, we enjoyed the MOMENTS!

Carson proudly showing off his new Gator, thank you CARTER!
Carly investigating the Mum for snacks she could eat.

Big brother giving his little sister a ride in his new wheels.

Caitlin finishing her first cross country meet in Bowling Green. Go Caitlin!
Caitlin playing in her first game of her 6th season of soccer.
Caitlin's 7th birthday party at JUJU Beadz!
Carson enjoying the train and tractor show with his dad!
A cool ride on an old fire truck!

Still enjoying the Barbie jeep together, thanks to the Mauer's five years ago!
Caitlin's Pee Wee St. Michael Cross Country Team
C. J. and his family gave Caitlin balloons for her birthday at practice. THANK YOU!
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lauri enjoying the cake chef Carson made for Caitlin's birthday!

Carson and Curtis saying cheese together at Curtis's third birthday party!
Caitlin and Carson enjoying a ride, or two, or three on "Ben's train."
Carson sitting on "John Wayne" at the fair. He belongs to Jordan, Caitlin's friend. Jan, mom's friend stands by to supervise :>).
Caitlin takes a break from the big rides to ride along with her brother.

Carly prepares for bed by brushing her own teeth! What a big girl.

Good friends, Roen, Sophia, little Caitlyn, Lucy, Olivia, Connor, oh and big friend Josh at the Up and Up and Away balloon glow.
Carly Smith and Caitlin finishing the one mile race together!
Jason had just finished his Alumni hockey game... proud Caitlin and Carson.
Caitlin leaving for her first day of First Grade on August 19th.

Celebrating a successful first day of school with friends Nick and Alex.

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