Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Return of the "SMOOTH STREET"

For the longest time I did not have any requests for the "smooth street." I don't know if it was because it was snow/ice covered and it was no longer smooth, but thanks to the balmy 40 degrees the smooth street is back. It is the only other street in our neighborhood and it was paved last summer (remember I wrote about Carson and I watching all the heavy trucks doing the work?) so Carson insists that we drive that way home every time we enter the neighborhood. No matter what song is on, or what conversation is happening, there is a voice that radiates from the backseat as soon as we hit Woodworth, can we take the "smooth street?"

Did I mention it was 50 here today? Carson was shouting to the rooftops that is was shorts weather, and he was on the roof for a moment today... with his father who was taking the Christmas landing strip off the thawed roof. He was proud of his shorts and the fact that he could stand on the roof.

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