Friday, February 20, 2009

The Fourth Birthday to REMEMBER!

Okay - so Monday (President's Day) was Carson's fourth birthday. We finally made it after the whole weekend of celebrating, he was thrilled to say that he was finally four. He was so pumped about his big day that the energy level was just exploding. J took the day off to spend with all of us in honor of Carson's day, Caitlin already had the day off with the exception of tennis, and little ornery Carly was ready to go. We were helping Lisa, Jade, and Josie gather their belongings when we heard a loud scream. The scream would be coming from the bathroom where Carson had just dashed off to shower with his dad. I thought to myself , "he could not possibly be in trouble on his birthday?" I ran in as I always do at the sound of the cry, and there was Jason holding naked Carson who just had a large toilet seat and toilet lid come crashing down on his most private area. There was swelling, blood, and a lot of tears. It was an unpleasant way to start the birthday. He said so many funny things about it after the pain had subsided (many hours later). I love how he told the story to many people but just kept it plain and simple.
This was just the beginning of injuries for the little man on his birthday. To keep a long story short, he fell through an opening in a dock (without water underneath) and hit his mouth on a boat on the way down. Thank goodness his foot caught him and thank goodness he is tough.
Happy birthday Carson J!

1 comment:

Netherfieldmom said...

Better write this down for high school graduation party! Poor little buddy! Happy Day Carson!!