Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter time fun...

We made it out to the reservoir on Saturday with friends. It was a packed house considering it was our first major snowfall of winter. The kids had purchased snow tubes with their Christmas cash and we thought we would put them to good use. It was a blast! Caitlin's tube can hold four kids easy and Carson's is a double rider. Caitlin's motto, "the more the merrier" (like her mother). Carson's motto, "no I am good with one other rider or just by myself." Carly enjoyed the sledding festivities. She survived the winter conditions for about one hour and twenty minutes. She got to go down the hill just like the big kids! There is nothing like the giggles that come out of the mouths of the kids when they are flying down the hill. I love winter and all that comes with it, even the wet clothes and the wet tracks through the house. We are now expecting frigid conditions for the next couple days, which brings school delays and cancellations, YIPPEE!

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