Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gettin' a Little Behind...

Okay Girl Scout Cookies, broken arm, missing dog, and snow... I may be a little behind on blogging, but not low on stories...

Being the leader of a unit of 21 first grade Girl Scouts has its pros and cons. I am in it for the fun times with the girls and Caitlin seems to enjoy me as the leader of this pack. I am not in it for the paperwork, the money losses, or the sales, but you have to do ALL or NONE. So I am taking the "all" route, and when the 1800 boxes of cookies have to be picked up and delivered, I may decided to take the "none" route. Caitlin sold her goal of 250 boxes and that is wonderful, especially since her goal was 1500 all because she wanted the tickets to Cedar Point. She is now settling for a nice "hoody."

I made it to Carson's preschool open house last week. Once again I enjoyed being the parent and not the teacher. I sat there trying to figure out just how to pry his little fingertips from his carseat come September. He did ask me to tell the teachers "it is okay to wear shorts under my pants." We have hit the same development stage that Caitlin went through, SHORTS. Shorts no matter what the temperature, situation, or snowfall amount. Just this morning, I picked him up at the neighbors and he came out in shorts, but he had on snowboots, winter coat, and hat! Just a phase I am sure. He convinced me that he was okay to shovel the new 9 inches of snow in shorts, but I did some bargaining and got him in the house.

Caitlin has started Upward basketball, and her father has decided to be the assistant coach since no one really expressed interest. I am fine with the practices, it may the games that I am not into so much with the one-armed bandit running around the gym. The basketball program is great, they have nice uniforms (very important to Caitlin), they learn a bible verse each week, and they do a lot of team prayer. She is the youngest on the team, but seems to catch on quick, and she loves it.

Yesterday in the car Carson informed me that he is going to have boobies just like his daddy when he grows up... nice conversations we have inside the doors of the van. I did get more detail from Jason that they had this conversation about boy boobies at Y after swimming last week. The anatomy part of parenting is not always easy, it seems right up there with discipline.

Oh, did I mention above that the dog ran away? Four and half years here at Woodworth Drive and the dog has never left the yard, and he left.... crossed railroad tracks and all. He was collected by the dog warden and we had to "retrieve" him. It was the scariest hour for the kids. They were all in a panic. It was snowing and mommy was out searching the neighborhood on foot, then driving, then recruiting the neighbors. We got him back and that is what is important, but what next?

Carly is doing well with her broken arm, with the exception of the fit she threw on Sunday night and threw herself over her crib side and onto the floor. It is amazing what that child can do, Houdini I tell you... She is our first to escape the crib, but I think she scared herself by how hard it hurt. Thank goodness she did not damage the broken bone any more, and did not create any more broken bones. We had a great check at the doctor today, only three of four more weeks in the cast. She has a new cast on and it smells so much better. I am so in awe of her behavior at each of these visits. She is small, brave, and friendly... not a tear or a yell. She did not even have food or drink (in case Dr. Mike needed to do surgery) this morning and she was still awesome after being awake for two hours. I finally have a BRAVE one... sometimes good, sometimes bad, I just have to keep a good eye on this one.

That is all I can think of on this snow day... need to get back into the blogging habit... just have found many other interesting things to do on these cold winter days.

1 comment:

Netherfieldmom said...

Never boring...even though it is the Midwest. My 79 yo MIL was shoveling her driveway today--I could kill her! ;)