Thursday, January 15, 2009

Headline News: 18 Month Old Red Head Breaks ARM!

Okay the news of the week is that Carly, our youngest red-head, has fractured her arm. The break is on her radius mid-way between her thumb and elbow. She is our child with no fear, and we were beginning to think she could not feel pain, until Tuesday night. She was standing next to Caitlin on the bench, where Caitlin was reading a book, and she lost her balance and tumbled to the floor. She became the puppy with an injured paw that evening. We were not sure if it was nerve damage, bruise, or a break, but we waited until yesterday morning to take her in. She put on a show for the doctors, nurses, and x-ray girls. She was sooooo good. There were not any tears shed at all. It was a crazy day with making appointments and making our way through the snow to get to where we needed to be. A great thing happened with one phone call, Dr. Mike (family friend who happens to be an orthopedic surgeon) came to our house to put a temporary splint on her until he puts her cast on Monday. I have to laugh because everyone knows how rough Carly can be and we have already been warned that she will use the cast as a weapon (I however had to be the one with the cast to the temple at 6:45 this morning). I don't know how we got two older wimps and one young brute. She has managed to continue through life just fine, even learning to use her left-hand as if she was left-handed. The tough part is finding clothes and coats to fit over the cast. Well, here is looking to the next four weeks with a positive outlook on health insurance for the whole year... since we managed to meet Carly's deductible in the first month of 2009.

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