Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes...

Okay so this might not be the most kid friendly entry, but I cannot go another day without mentioning the funny things that Carson says... and they are only funny to adult ears.

Carson was splish splashing in the tub on Sunday and I see that he has taken outdoor play balls in the tub with him. I am okay with that because this is what boys do. I then see them flying out of the bathroom door and rolling across the hall with water spraying all over. The best part is the boisterous words that flew out of the bathroom, "my balls are washed, I am all done."

Carson was casually eating peanuts with his father, when he belts out, "I hurt my nuts." You can imagine Jason's reaction to this... (we only use "toot" in our house, so this was bad) Carson had bit down and hurt his teeth, but instead thought he was injuring the peanuts he was eating. NICE!

1 comment:

Netherfieldmom said...

Oh my mercy! When Rachael was little, someone loaned us a cute little chicken costume for Halloween that had a yellow, fuzzy hood with beak, and orange tights. She was overheard telling her little friend, "I got tights and a pecker!"