Monday, March 30, 2009

My Reason for a Perfect Weekend

Jason was able to help organize the first annual Pump and Run 5K here in town. He made wooden signs and took ownership of what he was in charge of. Part of him missed out on the run, but he is doing a full marathon next weekend, check blog next week. :) He also was able to watch the entire NCAA division II championship game on TV to see our Alma Mater, Findlay, win the game.

Chrissy got to go shopping with friends and eat at PF Chang's all afternoon/evening on Saturday. It was a nice break to prepare for a week without the traveling husband.

Caitlin started off her weekend by being picked up at school and bringing Lucy home with her. Lucy spent the night. They played outside for hours on the trampoline, and going around the neighborhood. She then participated in the Girl Scout Water Stop at the Pump and Run. It was a ton of fun! She was also able to hang out with big Carly all day at the Smith's house on Saturday. Carly is in 6th grade and Caitlin felt like big stuff hanging out with her.

Carson fun weekend started on Sunday with standing on the altar at church with mom and Stephanie. He was able to come up and stand with me the whole time during the scrutiny. He was so GOOD! Then the real deals came... his dad took him to the Train Show and the University of Findlay Jazz ensemble. He had a blast! He took lots of pictures, so I will be posting them later. What a ham... At dinner last evening he proclaimed, "the weather is just miserable" and that really made us chuckle.

Carly's weekend was pretty uneventful. She took her baby for a walk around the block in the stroller. It is just amazing how grown up she looks pushing that little stroller around!

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