Monday, March 30, 2009

Is There a Professional in the House?

I would like to think that in a few years, there may be...

Caitlin came home from tennis lessons last week to proclaim to the housetops that Coach Hayes is moving her to the 9-12 year old group. Each group a proper name (current Future Stars), but I prefer to use the age group term because Caitlin is still 7. She said to Coach, "I am only going to be 8 in September, you do know that right?" Coach told "Catie with a C" (he is the only one who calls her this) that he goes by ability, not age. Caitlin was beaming to know that she was going to be with the "older" kids. We are so proud of her and she truly loves it!

I heard her at dinner last night groaning that basketball is over. I did not have the heart to tell her that soccer season was right around the corner, because I loved hearing her sadness over basketball being over. I love her enthusiasm for any sport that she plays. Her dad certainly does too.

I am sure I constantly gloat about the good things, and we all know there are good and bad. Caitlin is just doing so well in school and sports and we just want to savor these moments because it won't always be perfect. I know, the older they get the harder it gets.

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